Monday, October 31, 2022

Proteins and their benefits

 Proteins and their benefits

It is important to eat protein at every meal when you consume a carbohydrate

The primary role of Protein is:

·         Build and repair tissue

·         Plays a major role for almost all enzymes.

·         It helps you to be more satisfied for a longer period. 

·         It helps you eat less carbohydrate

 Check the following:

Eggs are the perfect food to eat because our bodies use all protein in them, also grass-fed beef is healthier than corn-fed beef.

·         Whey Protein (Promotes muscular development)

The Whey protein should contain (zero fat, zero carbs, and zero sugar, around 25-gram protein). Reasons why we should include whey protein as part of our healthy life:

·         Whey Protein is an immediate muscle supply.

·         Regular to small amounts of protein balance blood sugar to reduce pains, muscle weakness, and dizziness.

     Optimal times for best results:

      First thing in the morning

      Last thing before going to bed

      Right away before and after work out.

برنامج ٌمتكاملٌ لرشاقةٍ تدومُ مدى الحياةِ

 برنامج ٌمتكاملٌ  لرشاقةٍ تدومُ مدى الحياةِ  - خُطةٌ لمدةِ ثلاثةِ أسابيعٍ + وَصَفاتُ وجباتِ الطعام

هل تساءلتَ يومًا عن سبب وجود الكثير من الأنظمة الغذائية، والناس ما زالوا يعانون من السمنة؟ هل لديك فضول لمعرفة السبب؟ أعتقد أنني أعرف السبب.

لنواجه الحقيقة وهي أنك مهما فعلت لا تزال تعاني من الزيادة في الوزن أو السمنة؛ وفي نفس الوقت قد يكون لديك علاقة نفسية مع الطعام وأنواعه، فتحب بعض الأطعمة وتكره الأخرى، وهذا له التأثير الكبير على شهيتك، فعندما تشعر بالتعب، أو القلق، أو الملل تلاحظ أنك لا تستطيع التحكم في اندفاعك نحو تناول كميات كبيرة من الطعام حتى وإن لم تكن جائعًا، وهذا ما يسمى بالأكل العاطفي، مما يعني أنك تلجأ للطعام كمنفس، ومع ذلك، لا يزال لديك أمل مستمر بأن النظام الغذائي أو الرجيم التالي، أو أن إعادة النظام الغذائي الذي كان يعمل قبل 5 سنوات سيعمل مرة أخرى.

ومع ذلك، فإنه لن يعمل.

 الإحساس الأصعب عندما يزيد وزنك أكثر مما كنت قد فقدت، وعندما يكون لديك خزانة مليئة بالملابس من جميع الأشكال والأحجام التي لا تلائمك! وعندما تشعر بشعور الخاسر في كل مرة تفتح فيها خزانة ملابسك، وتواصل إخبار نفسك بأنك لم تحاول جاهدًا بما فيه الكفـاية، أو أنك لـم تتدرب بما فيه الكفـاية، أو لم يكن لديك الدافع الكافي لمتابعة ذلك، علاوة على ذلك، سوف يبقيك هذا اللوم في ظلام عاطفي حيث الشيء الوحيد الذي يستطيع مساعدة حالتك النفسية هو الطعام.

أعرفُ كل هذا جيدًا لأنني مررتُ بنفس التجربة ذات مرة، فعلى مدار 5 سنوات،  وقراءة المئات من الكتب في العديد من التخصصات، ومقابلة العديد من الأشخاص للتخلص من إدمان تناول الطعام، أنجزت هذا الكتاب لمساعدتك  حيث وجدت أفضل، وأسهل، وأقصر الطرق لتصل إلى مبتغاك.

في هذا الكتاب، سوف أساعدك على الفهم والتمكن من كل خطوة تخطوها.

الشراء عبر أمازون 

Monday, October 10, 2022



Avocado Salmon Bread

Ingredients for 4 people

  • ·         1-2 tsp peeled sesame seeds
  • ·         2 thin spring onions (approx. 40 g)
  • ·         lime
  • ·         ripe avocados (approx. 400 g)
  • ·         salt and pepper
  • ·         4 slices (80-100 g each) Whole wheat bread with grains
  • ·         6 slices (approx. 150 g) smoked salmon 

1        Roast the sesame seeds in a pan without fat, remove immediately and let cool. Clean and wash the spring onions, pat dry and cut into fine rolls. Squeeze the lime.

2        Halve the avocados, remove the stone and remove the flesh from the skin with a spoon. Drizzle the avocado pulp with 2 tablespoons of lime juice, season with a little salt and pepper and mash lightly with a fork.

3        Brush bread slices with avocado pulp and cover each with 1 1/2 slices of salmon. Sprinkle with spring onions and sesame seeds.

Nutritional info

1 portion approx: 360 kcal14 g protein16 g fat35 g of carbohydrates

for more recipes 



Milk or dairy derivatives, such as yogurt or cheese.

The most important property of this group of foods is calcium, and proteins of high biological value. They also contain significant amounts of vitamins A, D, B12, and other minerals such as phosphorus. But they are poor in iron, copper and vitamin C. Milk, in people with overweight and blood lipid alterations, it is advisable to take it semi-skimmed or skimmed, with less fat and, therefore, fewer calories and cholesterol. Yogurt also provides probiotics.

Cereals and derivatives but with fiber, such as whole wheat bread, oatmeal, etc. This type of food mainly provides complex carbohydrates, some protein and little fat, as well as B vitamins and minerals.

They are an important source of energy for the body. The contribution of B vitamins and fiber stands out, especially if they are whole.

Fresh fruit.

They provide water, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Together with vegetables they provide most of the antioxidant substances. They are usually consumed especially at the end of meals because they are very effective in facilitating the assimilation of many nutrients. But they are a very good option not only for breakfast but also for a snack.

The balanced combination of these three food groups provides the basic elements: carbohydrates, fiber, protein, water and the necessary amount of fat. They can be completed with other foods such as dried fruits (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts), protein foods such as eggs or cheese and fatty foods such as extra virgin olive oil. 

It is important to remember that the perfect drink to accompany a good breakfast is water.

7 things you should know about breakfast

Francis Bacon said that "Hope is a good breakfast but a bad dinner." But in addition to hope, there are other foods that are especially good for us if they are included in the first meal of the day.

Don't skip it.

According to a study, both children and adults who skip the first meal of the day tend to eat worse and lead a more sedentary life. They also tend to have higher cholesterol and insulin levels (and therefore more likely to suffer from diabetes and heart disease) than those who eat breakfast.

Less overweight.

A study by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (USA) revealed that young women who eat breakfast cereals have a lower waist-height ratio, which is the best indicator of absence of overweight and low cardiovascular risk. Also, a Scraton University study revealed that wheat or corn cereals contain more antioxidants than any other breakfast.

In a meeting.

According to a One Poll survey, meetings during breakfast are more productive than meetings in the afternoon. 67% of the subjects are more predisposed to be attentive during breakfast.

Exercise first.

A recent study from the University of Birmingham published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise It showed that a higher proportion of fat is burned when we exercise before eating breakfast. However, if we eat breakfast first and move later, engineered carbohydrates (cereals, bread, etc.) disrupt fat metabolism for at least 6 hours.

Less lead.

A study in the Environmental Health Journal revealed that children who eat breakfast daily have lower levels of lead in their blood (15% less) than those who skip this meal.

If you are on a diet. 

Adults trying to lose weight are more successful eating a healthy breakfast than avoiding it and having something in the middle of the morning. On the other hand, a study by the Pennington Center for Biomedical Research has revealed that eating eggs for breakfast helps to lose between 60 and 65% more weight in subjects who are subjected to a weight loss diet than any other breakfast.

Without breakfast you smoke more. 

According to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, the absence of breakfast is associated, in addition to being overweight, with a greater tendency to smoke tobacco, consume marijuana and drink alcohol.

 for more about brekfast meals

Tuesday, March 15, 2022




Type 2 diabetes is caused by 2 main reasons called " modifiable " and " non-modifiable " the first, that is, the modifiable cause refers to food, lifestyle, exercise, sedentary lifestyle, and others. Things that we can modify with a little education and discipline.

While the non-modifiable causes are the inheritance that is usually left by grandparents, parents, and siblings. In addition, according to a study, the Latino race tends to be more prone to diabetes after 40 years of age.

However, although it cannot be guaranteed not to contract this disease. Good nutrition and exercise can lower your chances of getting this disease.

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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

50 affordable desserts for weight loss


Cheesecake ice cream

Preparation: 15’  |  Cooking: 5’ |  Servings: 6



·         80 g double cream cheese

·         2 Tbsp sugar

·         100 ml of whipped cream

·         2 chocolate cookies

·         2 El blackcurrant jam

·         preparation



1. Beat the cream cheese with 1 liter of sugar with the hand mixer till creamy. Whip the cream with 1 liter of sugar until stiff and fold into the cream cheese aggregate. Break the cookies into small portions, carefully fold them into the cream cheese mixture.

2. Coarsely coat the inner of 6 small glasses (one hundred ml each) with jam with a brush. Pour the cream cheese aggregate into the glasses as much as the top and insert a popsicle stick inside the center—cover and region ice glasses in the freezer for as a minimum 4 hours.

3. Rinse the glass with warm water earlier than serving and dispose of the ice cream with the glass's handle.

Nutrition Info

Cal: 205Fat: 12gCarbs: 20g Fiber: 0gSugar: 10g - Protein: 2g

for more : Buy my book 

50 affordable desserts for weightloss

Friday, January 7, 2022

13 Habits to Begin Weight Loss

Did you ever wonder how some people seem to keep in shape while others struggle? The habits that we have play a huge role in our weight and the shape of our bodies. If you don’t exercise, does that mean you will be out of shape? Probably, but it’s not quite as simple as that. The subconscious picks up on habits that are repeated over and over again and decides that these habits must be important to us. 

For example, people who smoke will tell you that there are times of the day when smoking seems to be automatic; such as while talking on the telephone or after meals. The cigarette is no different at any time of day, but to smokers, the habits they adapt dictate when they want to smoke. Knowing that the subconscious records what you do and decides your priorities, it becomes noticeable that people who diet follow the same habits over and over again, often resulting in the yo-yo effect of weight loss and weight gain. However, what if I told you that you could change your habits and take on new and healthier ones? These are known as mini habits, and if introduced every day, can soon lead to weight loss and help you to stay motivated to stay in shape.

You may have thought that the number 13 was unlucky but think again. These 13 mini habits to help you to stay on track with your weight loss and health may mean you live to be a ripe old age!

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follow me @weightloss_solution6


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